On 09.02.2016 17:05, Kai Bojens wrote:
CentOS: 7.1.1503
I have a problem with systemd which somehow manages to fill /tmp up with a lot of files. These files obviously are from the Apache server and don't pose a problem per se. The problem is that these files don't get removed daily:
du -hs systemd-private-* 7,7G systemd-private-mpg7rm 0 systemd-private-olXnby 0 systemd-private-qvJJ5o 0 systemd-private-Rs2nBv
It was my understanding that these temp-files should have been removed daily as it is stated here:
$: grep -v '^#' /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer
[Unit] Description=Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories Documentation=man:tmpfiles.d(5) man:systemd-tmpfiles(8)
[Timer] OnBootSec=15min OnUnitActiveSec=1d
Am I missing something? Is there a better way with a systemd based systemd to have these files removed daily?
Have you checked which process creates the files and doesn't apparently clean them up properly by checking the contents for example?
Regards, Dennis