hi Guys,
On 11/10/2010 07:52 PM, Scott Silva wrote:
Last time there was only one build queue, so if 5.6 and 6 come out at the same time, they will have to choose which one gets attention first. CentOS doesn't have the multi-million dollar infrastructure to support multiple simultaneous releases.
Just a quick note here - the centos buildsystem, as used for centos4 and 5 has 8 builder 'threads'. So there is a fairly good potential for rapid builds.
Having said that, were not going to use those for centos6, we have a 6 node dedicated builder service that will get used for this.
Over the next few days I'll post details on how you guys can keep track of whats going on. I'll also post some details on how everyone can get involved and help.
Exciting times for sure :)
- KB
Now, if all of us 'leeches' can stop posting about this, the actual 'ants' will be able to do actual work beyond hitting the delete key when viewing this list. ;)
Why does it seem that the immediacy for the next version increases at a greater rate than the versioning numbers? Yes, it has been painful waiting this time. My main issue has been trying to stay on upstream with PHP. And now it sounds like a double solution is on the way, 5 or 6. Sweet!
Thanks CentOS team!