On 04/09/2015 04:23 AM, Rafał Radecki wrote:
Thanks for the links, they are very informative.
So as I see currently the only way to check if there are any security updates available for Centos is to parse the errata info sent by email to Centos Announce? :D
Does anyone have another solution implemented? :) Any help will be very appreciated :)
CentOS absolutely does not support this.
If you do not install all updates, then you may be creating a setup that adds problems (some of them security issues that you create).
CentOS uses a staged build system, meaning packages built today rely on packages built yesterday, and so on.
If you are using a glibc from 3 updates ago with other packages from now, you are not using a tested configuration and it is not at all clear what issues will be introduced. The only recommended install set it all updates installed.
Doing anything else introduces risk.