Hi Everyone,
I have been able to install all of the RPMS related to the recently announced CentOS IPA server and am at the point where I have run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install.
This completes but I see the following output which concerns me [8/16]: creating indices root : CRITICAL Failed to load indices.ldif: Command '/usr/bin/ldapmodify -h -xv -D cn=Directory Manager -y /tmp/tmpszemr6 -f /usr/share/ipa/indices.ldif' returned non-zero exit status 68
Looking in the log I see this
ldapmodify: Already exists (68)
2009-10-07 11:33:50,781 CRITICAL Failed to load indices.ldif: Command '/usr/bin/ldapmodify -h -xv -D cn=Directory Manager -y /tmp/tmpszemr6 -f /usr/share/ipa/indices.ldif' returned non-zero exit st atus 68
So I am assuming this means the ldif is already in place ? Or is this an issue I should be trying to diagnose further ?
Thanks for any insight you can offer :)