Todd Reed wrote:
As for Brian's Message:
- You are right, to a point.
To what point? Round-robin DNS is not, and never will be, failover. And even some logic we've discussed here is rather subjective and arbitrary, even for one, specific app -- working on a corporate network (before considering across the Internet).
I'm not saying that my idea was a replacement for BGP. I
state that by saying "This is no substitution for BGP".
Again, I wish I would have _never_ said BGP. I mean an AS.
- You are correct in saying that you need to change in
the world sees you (whether that be in the application or layer3 routing). That can be done at the application layer
at layer 3. But, if you are a small company that has only
internet link at your primary site and 1 internet
connection at
your remote site and you rely on the internet for communications between the sites, then you technically do not qualify for an AS number. That makes BGP useless. That makes your solution be somewhere in the upper layer of the OSI model.
That's why I gave a _second_ recommendation.
If you can guarantee your borders will _at_least_ be up, even if the servers behind it are down, you can implement 1-to-1 NAT at the border. I.e., if site A's servers are down, site A's border can use 1-to-1 NAT to target site B's servers.
Please recognize I'm giving not just the "high end" solution, but I'm also giving a "feasible" solution for SMBs too. ;->
[ SIDE NOTE: I was _not_ the person who brough up Google either. But when someone did, I (as well as at least 1 other) showed that I wasn't off-the-mark on how Google does it either. ;-]
- My idea was more on the lines of internet failure at
primary site and using RRDNS on top of that. If the
DNS server kicked in and pulled it's configs from the
master, then the hidden record wouldn't be configured for
because it is only used when the primary site fails.
The problem is _still_ propogation.
That's why, in the absence of your own AS, you need the failed site to redirect all traffic under the guise of 1-to-1 NAT to the site that is up. It's very simple to do, and they even have affordable devices to do so with Linux+ASICs (i.e., faster than a host-based Linux solution).
- My idea was also an application layer solution.
Last time I checked, BGP was in Layer 3.
Forget I even mentioned ASNs for a moment. I _also_ mentioned using 1-to-1 NAT between sites, and it works _well_ too.
It not only _avoids_ the propogation issue, but better yet, it work work _while_ propogation is still occuring.
- Yes, there are some delays when using DNS. Likewise
there are delays with BGP. Certainly BGP delays are a lot quicker. No argument there.
Sigh, you're not getting my point at all on layer-3. You've totally missed it. It's not comparable to application-level. It's absolute.
But again, my idea is looking at it from an application
_Eventually_ you'd have to change the application-layer as well, _if_ the site was down awhile. But in the meantime, you _need_ to do layer-3 redirection for the immediate failover.
1-to-1 NAT does this. It's very simple. It just works.