On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, John Summerfield wrote:
Lance Davis wrote:
On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, John Summerfield wrote:
chrism@imntv.com wrote:
You haven't shown how the mirroring system find a good mirror, and the evidence Johnny gave shows it doesn't.
Ehhh ???
The shortest "wire" was thousands of kilometres long. From a networking POV, that's not good.
All the mirror system knows is that your ip is in .au , it then gives a list of mirrors that are firstly in .au , then in adjacent countries eg .nz and then in countries slightly further afield. You should not get offered mirrors in .us or .eu if you are in .au .
Then it will fill the list to 10 entries with centos internal mirrors that are not designated to be in any particular location.
As an example
http://ftp.monash.edu.au/pub/linux/CentOS/4.4/updates/i386/ http://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/CentOS/4.4/updates/i386/ http://mirror.averse.net/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ ftp://ftp.oss.eznetsols.org/linux/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://centose.centos.org/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://centosw.centos.org/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://centosi.centos.org/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://centosh.centos.org/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://centosg.centos.org/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://centosk.centos.org/centos/4.4/updates/i386/
That shows 2 current mirrors in au - that yum will use first (it does use these in order)
The status of all of our mirrors is shown at
That does show another .au mirror , but the mirrors are checked at approx hourly intervals - the repo checksum and timestamp are tested and if they are not contactable or do not give the correct data then they are not included in the list.
As we have no servers donated to us in .au , none of them will be located there , but if you want to spend some time getting us some dedicated servers donated in .au then we would be very grateful.
It wasn't apparent to me that any of the mirrors I saw in the list was dedicsted to CentOS, and I suspect some are shared with other mirrors.
All of the centosx where x is a -> c2 are servers donated to centos. These are also tested for currency before being included in the lists.
The real issue seems to be that there are not enough mirrors in .au - cf the us where the list would give you :-
http://mirrors.jtlnet.com/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://altruistic.lbl.gov/mirrors/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://mirror.stanford.edu/yum/pub/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://mirrors.easynews.com//linux/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://aniani.ifa.hawaii.edu/CENTOS/4.4/updates/i386/ http://mirrors.tummy.com/mirrors/CentOS/4.4/updates/i386/ http://styx.biochem.wfubmc.edu/mirror/CentOS/4.4/updates/i386/ http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/4.4/updates/i386/ http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/linux/distributions/centos/4.4/updates/i386/
and there are still another 22 current mirrors that have not been listed - the list is (as I said above) regenerated approx hourly - and firstly gives a random set of up to 10 current local mirrors.
Regards Lance
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