Brian Mathis wrote:
To put it into perspective, ask the manager how much it would cost the business if this data was unrecoverable? After that, if they still don't want to spend a few hundred $$s on the insurance, get it in writing that your manager understands the risk and print it out and post it on your office wall.
I was just getting ready to say this. Ask how much it will cost them when they need to pull something from a backup, that they've accidentally deleted and need back.
It really doesn't cost that much to build a small server. I built my own using a 3Ware drive cage and 4 SATA drives. I have 1TB of storage for my backup server. I think I only spent around $2,000 to build it. I'm starting to run out of space now, but we're looking at a cheaper iSCSI SAN to attach to this machine to expand on.
At any rate, you really don't have to spend a lot of money to get something decent up and running. And even if you spend some, you need to explain to management that backups are extremely important. Once you get something in place then, it's important to actually test them and check on them that you're backing up.
That's what led me to BackupPC in the first place. We used to use rsnapshot here, and there were quite a few customized hacked together things that we thought were running nightly, and they really weren't. So, when I started investigating, I realized that our backups here hadn't been taking place for over a month. Bad! So, I found BackuPC to replace rsnapshot, and have been happy since then for our online offsite backups.
Regards, Max