There are significant components of the upstream 5.6 release which are stuck behind the CentOS 5.6 release process, but are now incorporated in EPEL 5 components. In particular, the "php53" package is now necessary for the "drupal6" EPEL components, due to the long out of date PHP 5.1 in the default upstream vendor's codebase.
I see that some of these components are available in the "testing" repository at But this isn't published with centos-release. fasttrack is. Would it be reasonable to push these "testing" components over to "fasttrack"? Given our "upstream vendor's" policy of making all the updates available to all the previous releases in their main "channels", I'm not sure there's any reason not to present them, at least to the fasttrack" channel, and migrate them from "fasttrack" to "updates" as necessary.
Other components for such fasttrack publication might include bind97, which some CentOS users have been asking for.