On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 01:40:04PM -0500, User Lists wrote:
Hi all,
I have tried to install this beta release on PWS 433 au but I can not boot /kernels/vmlinux.gz image. Error is: "unsupported compressed image". Is not posible to install under this Alpha model??
I really don't know as i never has such model myself. You do have SRM running on that box? If it's ARC/AlphaBIOS based, i am not even thinking of touching that area anymore :/
what's woth for 'normal boot method', it's just that one does
boot <some device>
(preferrable with 'set boot_osflags ""' so that it won't start something with automagic).
The 'l' does bring the list of predefined targets which are selected just with the prefixing number.
One is free to use domething like
b /kernels/vmlinux.gz initrd=/images/cdrom.img <a lot of own flags>
if needed. (for example the 'console=ttyS0 text askmethod' is something i need :)
So short: a little more details?