"Robert P. J. Day" rpjday@crashcourse.ca wrote:
ok, given the flurry of responses to my original post, let me see if i have a handle on this as i think i've finally figured it out and, yes, it does make sense.
This also would have been clear had you done some research in advance of your postings here -- not very thorough for someone who appears to have to support himself (and possibly his family) via consultancy work.
Ask yourself: What does paying money to Redhat get me? And then go read up on their website.
I can save you some of the trouble; in addition to a shiny box with pressed CDs, and phone number to call, a subscription to Redhat support also gets you the Redhat Network (RHN) which is worth the money in itself. In fact, when I last looked at it a couple of years ago, it was superior to Sun's equivalent.
FWIW, you may have received a warmer response initially had you come to us with problems, not solutions to perceived problems. It's not that we don't appreciate your position, it's just that your approach was wrong. A bit of research helps you and it saves us rehashing stuff that has been covered before, or obvious to those in the community.