On 11/22/2016 3:50 PM, Dr. Mikeal Hughes wrote:
When you go to the Dell Linux site and choose shop now you are taken to a page featuring Windows 10 machines.
[OT rant]
a pet peeve... webpile redesigns that mess everything up.
I was looking for info on the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) website last night, and they'd totally redone the entire mess, it was all slick and web 3.0-ish, and full of glowing PR material, and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ON THE THOUSANDS OF LOCATIONS BLM MANAGES.
could have been a brochure for a vaporware company for all the useful info I found. I don't want to tweet or 'like' crap, I wanted to find out about a specific region they manage, and all the old links to this info were broken.