
My requirement is to use Xnest only. It was working seamlessly with 5.2 but not with 5.3
I am using this command to connect to the remote X-server.

           Xnest :1 -geometry 800x600 -query <ip-address-of-X-server>

Can anyone confirm the same behavior? Or shall I file the bug in bugzilla?


On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Sid Kapoor <sidkapoor2000@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Nate,

Thnx for the reply, but I want to connect through Xnest itself... Any clues ?


On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 8:21 PM, nate <centos@linuxpowered.net> wrote:
Sid Kapoor wrote:

> Is there an issue regarding firewall settings in CentOS 5.3 ? I want to
> connect to the remote X-server without disabling the firewall settings. How
> is possible ?

use X11 forwarding over SSH, more secure, and usually quite a
bit faster if you enable compression(-C).


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Siddharth Kapoor
Mobile - 9999169466

Siddharth Kapoor
Mobile - 9999169466