On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 08:19:16PM +0000, Always Learning wrote:
Larry, please take my advice and get help or, at the very least, talk to someone about the matters troubling you. It is bad to hold everything inside you. Please share your problems with someone you can relate to. It is for your own benefit.
Simply... wow.
You know, as much as I can't stand Vaden, and believe me when I say that instead of pulling him from a burning car wreck I'd likely instead pull up a chair and toast marshmallows, your post comes across as perhaps the most condescending tripe-filled post ever on this list. I'm not quite sure whether to congratulate you or ask you not to do it again. And this is a thread populated by condescension, including posts of Vaden's.
In either case.... wow.