On 3/27/2013 1:04 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 8:07 AM, Robert Benjamin benjie1@cox.net wrote:
If you can log in and use an editor in character mode you can fix it. The change needed in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 will be obvious once you get that far. But, it might be easier to reinstall if you don't know how to do that. Since it is a new install anyway you won't lose anything.
In the CentOS forum under Software Support is my thread: Centos 6.4
won't install on reboot. Post number 27 or 28 lists the output I got from FAQ2 above from cat /etc /sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 My guess is the most important line there is ONBOOT=yes Anyway, there are suggestions in the forum which I will follow and then post the results back to the forum. Thanks again.
Yes, the ONBOOT=yes is already there. However, some of the other parts of that thread make me think that your network interface actually comes up but you are not getting a DHCP address or the DHCP server supplies a DNS server address that does not work. These would usually be supplied by your internet router. Are you confident that it is set up correctly?
The reason I think this is the problem is the post where you said you could log in after a very long delay. About the only thing that can cause a very long delay is the system waiting for DNS responses on what it thinks is a working network interface. The next things needed for further diagnosis would be the output of the 'ifconfig' command after you are able to log in, and the results from 'cat /etc/resolv.conf. The first should show the IP address assigned by DHCP from the router, and the second will have the DNS nameserver address(es).
In the last post on the forum is the output of ifconfig. It closely resembles what was shown there and stated that my output should resemble the one already there in post 29 ,and it does. There was no suggestion to try cat /etc/reslov.conf. Can do that from the root login. Will wait til I get a reply from the forum. Plenty of suggestions from here and the forum and I'll keep up with both. The delay was almost an hour BTW. Thanks again. The router works perfectly fine and quickly for win 7, Ubuntu 12.2 and Mint 14.