Hal Wigoda wrote:
Your network config needs attention
On Apr 18, 2014, at 10:13 AM, Evan Rowley rowley.evan@gmail.com wrote:
Here is some of the output:
[appengine@centos6-paas-dev gotour]$ gotour 2014/04/17 22:04:33 Serving content from /home/appengine/goprojects/firstproj/go/src/code.google.com/p/go-tour 2014/04/17 22:04:33 WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! I appear to be listening on an address that is not localhost. Anyone with access to this address and port will have access to this machine as the user running gotour. If you don't understand this message, hit Control-C to terminate this process. WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! 2014/04/17 22:04:34 Please open your web browser and visit
<snip> Is that on your internal network, or is it the host's visible to the guest network? Have you gone there?