On 1/13/2010 9:04 AM, John Doe wrote:
One thing that made me not use BackupPC was that (from the doc): "The advantage of the mod_perl setup is that no setuid script is needed, and there is a huge performance advantage.... The typical speedup is around 15 times. To use mod_perl you need to run Apache as user __BACKUPPCUSER__. If you need to run multiple Apache's for different services then you need to create multiple top-level Apache directories, each with their own config file. You can make copies of /etc/init.d/httpd and use the -d option to httpd to point each http to a different top-level directory. Or you can use the -f option to explicitly point to the config file. Multiple Apache's will run on different Ports (eg: 80 is standard, 8080 is a typical alternative port accessed via http://yourhost.com:8080)."
Since I don't have a dedicated backup server, I did not want to mess up the existing apache configurations...
You really don't spend any time in the web interface which is the only thing affected by this. And it is fast enough when run as a normal CGI anyway. Try it without mod_perl. You'd also have the option of running backuppc as apache, but that is less secure if other web admins have access to the machine.