1. There are updates to CentOS-4Beta for the i386 and x86_64 arches. The following RPMS have been changed:
a. createrepo-0.4.2-1.noarch.rpm - This is an update from the upstream maintainer.
b. yum-2.1.13-1.c4.noarch.rpm - This is an update from the upstream maintainer.
c. firefox-1.0-6.centos4.3.i386.rpm - The original build did not strip the library files of unnecessary symbols, causing the library files to be up to 3x the normal size. This rebuild properly stripped the library files. The following mozilla based files had the same library files strip issue:
mozilla-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm mozilla-chat-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm mozilla-devel-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm mozilla-dom-inspector-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm mozilla-js-debugger-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm mozilla-mail-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm mozilla-nspr-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm mozilla-nspr-devel-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm mozilla-nss-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm mozilla-nss-devel-1.7.5-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm thunderbird-0.8.0-9.centos4.1.i386.rpm
d. up2date-4.3.53-1.src.rpm was released on the RHN channel for RHEL4- Beta2 prior to the channel closing. up2date-4.3.53-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm and up2date-gnome-4.3.53-1.centos4.2.i386.rpm were created from that source as upgrades to the original up2date used.
e. redhat-artwork-0.120-1.1E.centos4.1.i386.rpm and redhat- logos-1.1.22-1.centos4.1.noarch.rpm were upgraded to include better quality CentOS logos.
2. The yum grouplist, groupinstall, groupupdate features have been added to the CentOS-4Beta repositories. Here are some links that explain how to use the yum group features:
Thank you, Johnny Hughes CentOS-4 Project Lead