Has anyone ever installed PHP5 with SQLiteDatabase class support in CentOS 4.3? I have to run a program with this class for a core feature. But unfortunately, both the php 5.0.4 package in centosplus and a SRPM build from FC5 will not work with this class. With the error "undefined class SQLiteDatabase"!
And there *IS* the "pdo_sqlite.so" extension in my php.d/pdo.ini file, as well as the "pdo.so" class. But when I testing the SQLite support with:
dl("pdo_sqlite.so"); sqlite_open(xxx); new SQLiteDatabase(xxx);
The result is the "dl" line will give out a warning showing that the "pdo_sqlite.so" is already loaded. The "sqlite_open" line will give out a message showing that no function such like "sqlite_open".
All the solutions by Google cannot solve this. Is there anyone can explain this? Or can anyone use SQLite in PHP5?