On 14/01/2011 16:14, Cia Watson wrote:
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 10:11:20 -0500 Robert Spanglermlists@zoominternet.net wrote:
On Friday 14 January 2011 05:45, Mister IT Guru wrote:
I assumed that this would be the case! Made me realise how much faith I have in the CentOS volunteers. Every time I've heard of a RHEL release, I brace myself and think "WooHoo - CentOS in three months!" Is this how other CentOS users feel when they hear a RHEL announcement?
NO! This is a volunteer effort. You cannot expect them to have the newest release out days after it is announced. There is work that needs to be done before they can release the OS as CentOS. They do what they can when they can. After all it s free so why complain?
You could always learn how to help them get the newest release out there if time is such an important issue.
He did say 'CentOS in three months', and given that as I recall 5.3 to 5.4 took 2 months and 5.4 to 5.5 took about the same amount of time, 3 months hopefully isn't unrealistic? If it is, maybe someone could or should put out a call for more volunteers? Of course 6.0 may end up being more than 3 months after upstream release, but time will tell.
Cia W
Thank you Cia W :)