On 7/1/06, CentOS List centoslist@gmail.com wrote:
Viewing the lastest logwatch, discovered the error below.
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Module::Install::Base) is needed by package perl-Test-Base
This would appear to be a yum message. Could you provide details as to what yum repositories you have enabled? Is yum set to update your system automatically? We need some details here.
I tried to install Module::Install::Base using cpan and cpan tell me it has already installed.
This doesn't help you, as rpm has absolutely no idea that you've installed software via cpan. Because cpan (and other source installation methods) don't update the rpm database, you'll run into more issues like this the more you install from source. It's much better to stick with the package management system for your particular distro, be it .deb, rpm or something else.