On 06/26/12 9:29 AM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
As for the guest paritions, I am accustomed of separating my servers
disks with separate /, /usr, /var, /home and /data partitions. I can't recall today why I started doing this, 15 years ago, but I still like it that way and continue to do so. Do I still "need" to do this with VMs ?
I don't believe there's any more or less need to do so. I would strongly recommend that you not segregate / and /usr. Fedora and future versions of RHEL/CentOS will expect a unified / and /usr. _______________________________________________
I concur. I'll definitely put /home on a seperate volume if there's going to be a need for a large /home (some of my servers have hardly any /home as there are no interactive users to speak of, others use nfs mounted /home dirs for interactive logins). /var I'm kind of on the fence on. things like postgres, which like to put the databases in /var/lib/pgsql/x.y/data, I've been recently mounting my dedicated raid10 database volumes as such, so /var itself has very little. but we all know spools, logs can grow unexpectedly large, so constraining /var to a dedicated LV is probably a good idea.