Quoting Scott Silva ssilva@sgvwater.com:
Cynthia Kiser spake the following on 2/5/2007 3:27 PM:
See if you can boot from the 4.4 live CD.
Just burned one. Off to give it a try.
Hmmmmm Writing this from the 4.4 live CD. So that works great. OK back to the office to burn a 4.4 install CD.
AFAIR the install cd only has a uniprocessor kernel, as only one processor is needed for an install. You might be hitting some kernel flaw in the install cd's boot kernel.
Actually I shouldn't have emailed so soon. For the first boot from the live CD I tried the specified failsafe options suggested in the prompt: linux nonet simplex acpi=off That booted all the way to a GUI - and had network support(!?). For my next attempt I just hit return and it hung. I couldn't find any virtual terminals with error messages, but that might be me not knowing the right key combination. Trying to boot with only acpi=off gets me much of the way - until the live CD tries to run X; then I get a very nice box bouncing around my screen saying "video mode not supported". The monitor is kind of crappy and obscure, so that is disappointing, but not a huge deal - and I think these instructions on the Scientific Linux site might let me fix that problem. http://linux.web.psi.ch/livecd/trouble.html
Burning the disk 1 of 4 iso for CentOS 4.4 and we'll see what that does.