i have installded samba 4 oncentos 7 and started to use as part of active directory. But i have a problemabout sharing files between samba and windows 7.
i can browse and edit sharedfiles and folders on windows 7.
But when i create a new folder, the owner of the folder is seen as “#User300012”instead of the real samba user.
My sharing steps
1- i have add a user named “ege” on centos and addhim on samba with smbpasswd -a ege
2- and iedited the permissions of the home folder of “ege” with chmod 777
3- mysmb.conf file
[homes] browseable = yes writeable = yes valid users = %S read only = No
4- i logged on Windows 7 with user SERVER\ege, andi can browse shared folders. But when i create a folder in shared folder on Windows7 the owner of the folder is seen as “#User300012”. but the user name is “ege”on centos and samba.
How can i fix thisowner of folder problem. Because of this problem i can’t use the quota forusers.