On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 10:51:25AM +0200, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
On 07/20/2014 03:22 AM, Fred Smith wrote:
I'm at the stage of poking at a C7 install in Vbox, and am struggling to figure out how to control the screensaver. there doesn't seem to be a gnome screensaver package (like there was in gnome2), and I can't find any installed packages that control it. gconf-editor doesn't have anything that looks promising...
how does one control the screensaver in Gnome 3?
I think System -> Tweak Tool -> Power or something like that is where you configure Lock.
thanks for the suggestion. but tweak tool doesn't contain (AFAICS) anything about blanking the screen (which happens) or the timeout used therefore, or about the fact that it also locks the screen. These things all used to be done in gnome-screensaver.
this is my own personal workstation, and I'd like it to NOT lock the screen when tne screen blanks from a timeout (I probably would not want it to work that way at the office), but don't see any way to change that setting, wherever it is being set.
As for gnome-screensaver package, if you are sure it is not in base repo, look in EPEL and last stop is Fedora 19 repository, so far most missing pakcages in CentOS 7 can be installed from Fedora 19 repository:
yum list installed | grep -y screen, or yum list available | grep -y screen shows nothing named (anything like) "screensaver", except for what is apparently a KDE screensaver package.
While it's possible RH/Centos chose not to distribute gnome screensaver (though I'm not sure I can comprehend WHY), something on the system is blanking the screen and locking it, and I can't, so far, figure out what.
I'd like to understand what is happening before importing packages from another distro.