Netbios can use multiple network transports, some of which only have broadcasts to support name resolution. Each subnet will elect a master browser to collect the names and respond to queries. As an extension for the IP protocol which is routeable, the WINS service accepts the lists from multiple master browsers at a pre-configured IP address. For it to work, the master browser that happens to be elected on any subnet must be configured to use the same WINS address and must have IP protocol working - and the clients need the address to query as part of their configuration, either from DHCP or manually entered if they have a static IP.
-- Les Mikesell
Thank you Les for not killing me off like some of the other people who have been trying to help.
As a response to others, YES, I should have read the man but I might have posed the question all the same. Sometimes my eyes glaze over after about he 3rd sentence when trying to make sense of them.
I turned on nmb and that solved my problem.
Sometimes my life serves as a warning to others and now all they have to do is read my posts and learn from my mistakes.
Thanks for your patience!!!!