On 3/31/07, John Summerfield <debian@herakles.homelinux.org> wrote:
Yes, but don't get too carried away with that. atm one needs real RAM
for each guest. On zSeries folk run guests in 64 Mbytes virtual, but
their VM has been evolving for around 40 years, and it runs on damned
good hardware.
The thing in my head is the idea of having lower priority sites in one VM with 512MB and fewer but important sites on another with 512MB or more. That way I could probably control bandwidth allocation better as well as not worry about some runaway script or something bringing down the more important sites. Or at least that's what I think the VM thing would benefit me! :D
Plan for 5, it will probably be ready before you.
Hopefully! I'll be getting the hardware after this weekend and likely throwing C5 Beta on it first and see how that works out.
> 2. Software that would be running on the server would include Apache
2.xwith ASPx support, php
> 5.x, MySQL 5.x, Exim, ProFTPD, Direct Admin (supposed to be developed on RH
Do you know how to use Exim? If not, I suggest you settle for postfix.
Never touched it before, but that's apparently what DA will use by default. So I sort of have to go along with it. Plus if I didn't misread it, Exim can be setup to work with storing user accounts in sql db. I'm rather more comfortable with adding email users using sql than with CLI.
Do check that any third-party stuff you might consider supports all
these new releases. You do have the option of running C5 and C4 if
Together on the same machine?