On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 20:18 -0700, Craig White wrote:
On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 10:15 +0900, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
I was successful in getting centosplus installed, and it has had some effect. CentOS now recognizes an external hard drive that my friend had lent me, which is nice.
However, it still does not acknowledge my SD card reader.
Is there anything else I can do? There must be some kind of support available, even if it's bleeding edge, as my SD card reader was possible in Fedora Core 4.
Well, could try building the latest FC3 or FC4 kernel under CentOS. I ran a rebuild generic kernel, then later an FC3 kernel, for a few months on one machine to get support for a too-new SATA controller until the RHEL4 kernel caught up.
haven't been tracking what you've tried and haven't tried but what does tail /var/log/dmesg output just a few seconds after you insert the SD card?
For some reason that doesn't give anything just after inserting a USB device, but just the command "dmesg" does.
Can also try (as root):
# tail -f /var/log/messages
then insert card. (Ctrl-C to exit - otherwise runs "forever".)
If something shows up in the output, try
# fdisk -l
and (think I suggested this earlier, but the centosplus kernel man yave made a difference)
# tail /etc/fstab
and report results. If there is a new entry try mounting it as a user or as root.
Is there anything on the card of value? Can you reformat it without losing anything of value? Sometimes the vfat partitions are properly created
That may be worth a try if other things fail, but the fact that you could use it under FC4 would tend to indicate a driver rather than a format problem.