We installed BMR boot server version 6.0 on DELL server.  This DELL server   have CENTOS 3.7 in it.  We got error message when we tried to use   "bmrsrtadm".  Anyone know how to fix it or work around?      ./bmrsrtadm    Select one of the following options:        1.  Create a new Shared Resource Tree.      2.  Create a new CD image based Shared Resource Tree.      3.  Copy an existing Shared Resource Tree to a new location.      4.  Modify an existing Shared Resource Tree.      5.  Delete an existing Shared Resource Tree.      6.  List Shared Resource Trees available on this server.      7.  Quit.    Enter your selection (1-7) [1] : 1  Enter the name of the SRT to create : centos35  Enter the description of the new SRT : blade  V-128-312 Unsupported Linux release: CentOS release 3.7
 (Final) V-128-312   Unsupported Linux release: CentOS release 3.7 (Final) Enter the directory in   which to place the new SRT [/export/srt] : /usr/openv/net backup V-125-419   /usr/openv/netbackup/baremetal/server/data/createsrt.conf: internal er ror -   failed to load SRT/BI contents for platform "i686-RHEL-" V-125-39 caught   exception: runtime error in srtPlat.cpp:PackageInfo::PackageInfo () [Error]   V-125-40 Platform initialization failed. Please review logs for addition al   diagnostic information. Removing SRT "centos35" from server -- please stand   by ...    _________________________________________________________________

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