On 03/12/2012 04:39 PM, Anton Zaytsev wrote:
Hi Ljubomir, thanx for reply. I need for CentOS 5 exactly. It will be *great* if you'd share them.
Are they compatable with the latest kernel? I have found some rpms in CentOSplus repo, but they are for 2.6.18-92.1.13 only.
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Ljubomir Ljubojevicoffice@plnet.rswrote:
I used Farkas Levente's kvm-84 on CentOS 5.x i386 for several years without any issue. Still have them in my repository.
But for CentOS 6.x there is no 32-bit packages, 64-bit only.
Here is my repo for it: http://rpms.plnet.rs/plnet-centos5-i386/RPMS.plnet/
They are kmod module, so they should fit all kernels. They install to current kernel, and are automatically incorporated to every kernel installed from that moment on.
But be warned, I have not used them in couple of years, so you must first test them on non-production system.
You can use .repo files from this release file: http://rpms.plnet.rs/plnet-centos5-i386/RPMS.plnet-releases/plnet-ser-releas... if you want you install them easier.