Steve Huff wrote:
On Apr 2, 2007, at 11:32 AM, Ken Godee wrote:
Ok. I'm looking at a client that needs to keep their server time close as reasonably possible (within a minute) of the actual time of day. I've installed the RPM for NTP and I'm looking for tips on what the simplest setup should be, ie: What server(s) should I be using for sync? Should I just run it from a cron every 20 minutes or so?
I do wish it would prefer the time server offered by DHCP:-( I'd rather sync one computer over the Internet, and the rest off my local network.
how large is your local network? arguably you should be using at least
The size has nothing to do with my preference; I could as easily tell them all to sync against,, or any other.
There are good choices to suit all tastes, and a standard centralised means of configuring one's preference. RH just ignores it.
two, and ideally three, timeservers on the local network; ntp works ok with only one source of time, but times will converge much more quickly with multiple sources of time.
don't run 'ntpdate' from a cron job; that defeats the whole purpose of running ntpd.
Sometimes ntpdate is appropriate; a standalone peecee on dialup might run it on every successful connection to the Internet. Even if it means shutting down ntpd for a few seconds.