Regarding your mail...

I'm also a sysadmin who also what to push the limits further ... i remember some C/C++ from colllege and some java and shell scripting  from my current job as java programmer .

Feel free to contact me in the case you have some plans to start a project do to something the described direction...

I'll also want to do something in the direction specified


Silviu Hutanu

System Administrator/Java Developer

If if you look for someone to help with something ...I will be happy to help with something .

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 10:18 PM, linux-crazy <> wrote:
Hi List,

 I am working on LINUX for the past six years , and am a core linux
guys since i started my career on linux . Working more on Redhat /
centos / Fedora based distribution system administration  . with some
basic bash scripting knowledge.

 Now am looking to deep dive into programming to contribute  or
innovate some thing new on  linux operating system or kernel space
(More importantly on kvm virtualization front since am an expert on
virtualization).  So i need  your  guidance to start my new career on
linux programming front . As of now am planned to start with below
sequences .

 Linux kernel Programming

 Kindly provide me some good web links or   beginner to advanced docs
for the above languages to start  ,  also correct me if am wrong any
where .

 Awaiting for your valuable input


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