Jerry Geis wrote:
I saw an article this morning about the RH developer toolset. basically it includes a couple of packages like PHP python mysql (etc) that are later packages than that included in the released version like
a 6.4
for example. So instead of php 5.3 with patches it would be php 5.4 and
so on.
That is great for a couple packages - but what about more up to date libraries like glib. 6.4 is way behind on glib. Like a couple years behind.
Are there any plans in the "toolset" to update core libraries also?
a) If it's not in RHEL, and they've not announced it, it won't be in CentOS. b) EL is never that near the leading (or, in the case of fedora, bleeding) edge. The whole point is stability, for what you're running, and all the stuff that's built on that stable point.