On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 15:04, Andrzej Szymanskiszymans@agh.edu.pl wrote:
However, moving this to .bashrc is a workaround. If I log in graphically to the console the LD_LIBRARY_PATH from .bash_profile is set correctly. It is unset only on NX session (and the other settings from .bash_profile are set properly, so this file is definitely parsed during nx session startup).
I use the "real" NX, not FreeNX, and I know it installs under /usr/NX, so I know it will use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find its own libraries. I believe it will probably reset (erase) the contents of LD_LIBRARY_PATH once the O.S. processes (window manager, etc.) are started.
As I said, if your terminal emulator opened a "login" shell you would not have problems leaving the setting in .bash_profile, as it would be read again when you open a new shell (if you are starting your application through a shell). However, I believe this is not really very standardized. As a rule of thumb, I try to put as much as possible in .bashrc and leave only the source of .bashrc in .bash_profile, as this increases the chances of it "just working".
And while you say "moving this to .bashrc is a workaround", I would say that using LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a workaround, or at least a kludge, since software that is properly installed would never need it... The interaction of different software packages that need to use it will always cause this kind of issues, and there is usually nothing much short of other workarounds or kludges that can be done about it...