Am 29.11.10 13:16, schrieb Stefan Held:
Am Montag, den 29.11.2010, 09:46 +0100 schrieb Götz Reinicke - IT-Koordinator:
is there anyone out there, who has a current 2.4.23 srpm or good how to compile it from src with supported db4?
Well, you would have to rebuild half of the system to do that.
If you try to rebuild db4 you should rebuild rpm and so on.
if you rebuild openldap all the ldap client software an dependend stuff should be rebuilt to ensure everything is working.
What would you do with that rpm? Would it be for production?
Yes, it yould be for production. It is a pain I know, and so far I managed to compile the rpm from
That might work, as it is an installation allong with the db 4.3 from RH.
chhers . Götz