On Tue, 2008-04-15 at 18:20 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
John wrote:
****See here there is a reason I said type{linuxdd} and USE A FLOPPY. A usb stick is not going to do the job. I don't think you read the README!
usb keys work fine as driver disks on centos-5, the .dd image can be loop mounted and the contents copied out onto the root of a usb-key.
And, I say for him to use a floppy if the server has a floppy drive. Now why?? It will take out his layer of complexity because using a the USB Drive requires to much effort from him to comprehend on how it should be done.
also, its not 'linuxdd' its 'linux dd'
Yeap, you's right 'linux dd'
Well, now if he read a little bit he would get the point and figure it out. He did not even read the Readme file about the driver to start with and how to install it. I believe he just linked into the email and that was it. Maybe I'm wrong...
You can also give dd the remote network location for the driver disk, eg dd=http://foo/bar.dd.img : Does not work well, if its the network interface you need the dd for :D
Karan, if he even would have attempted to even read the driver readme I do not think he would be saying anaconda installer want take the driver or what have you. I don't know but I have got the feeling that using 'linux dd' and the driver image will work.