On 15/02/11 17:25, Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
Let's see. 7 weeks after a RHEL release, we have:
For RHEL6, lets make that 14 weeks. And RHEL5.6 got released 9 weeks after RHEL6.
It's amazing how much smoother things would be, in regards to controlling the anticipation *if* we could find some regular updates on the progress.
We don't need exact dates, but an idea of how the progress is going. Also some progress information of what is troublesome? What is taking time? How can the rest of the community help? This information could be given out even bi-weekly, and I'm sure it would calm down this tension a lot.
The whole CentOS release progress is surprisingly closed, considering it is an open source project.
Is it really too much to ask for information on the progress? And frankly, these references below doesn't shed too much light on the situation
http://twitter.com/centos http://www.karan.org/blog/index.php http://planet.centos.org/
I'm sorry if I've missed some other more obvious places with more updated information ... so if that is the case, please enlighten me.
kind regards,
David Sommerseth