Paul A wrote:
From: [] On Behalf Of Keith Roberts On Wed, 16 Feb 2011, Paul A wrote:
From: Paul A
Keith/guys thanks for the suggestions, here is what I have found. It shows loaded config file is /etc/php.ini but if I remove that file and restart apache it still works. I also did as Keith suggested I removed a comment ';' and I got no errors apache started and it loaded the /etc/php.ini file. It's just completely ignoring that file, if its there or if its not there.
All I can think of is that you have more than one version of PHP installed, and it's looking in a non-standard place for the php.ini - possibly under /usr/php-version or /usr/local/php-version.
Try a file search on your system, and see how many php.ini files you can find there.
[root@karsites ~]# locate php.ini /downloads/php-src/5.2.1/php-5.2.1/php.ini-dist /downloads/php-src/5.2.1/php-5.2.1/php.ini-recommended /downloads/php-src/5.2.4/php-5.2.4/php.ini-dist /downloads/php-src/5.2.4/php-5.2.4/php.ini-recommended
No there is only on php.ini on there located in /etc/php.ini, this is so weird.
May we assume that you did locate php.ini ?
And *please* stop top posting.