On Thu Aug 31 12:32:35 PM, Zube wrote:
Two identical machines, both running CentOS 4.3 plus all the errata.
First one:
yum update
went for a while and hung. At the bottom of the yum.log file was this:
Aug 31 06:58:01 Updated: control-center.i386 1:2.8.0-12.rhel4.5 Aug 31 06:58:09 Updated: iiimf-le-unit.i386 1:12.1-13.EL.5 Aug
The python process was in the process list, but it was consuming no CPU time. I let it go for a couple of hours, then killed it and played with the duplicate removal script posted previously.
Second one:
I tried a combination of suggestions previously posted:
yum clean all yum update yum sqlite python-sqlite python-urlgrabber python-elementtree yum clean all yum upgrade
This also ran for a while and then hung in a similar fashion. The tail of the yum.log is:
Aug 31 11:29:08 Updated: at.i386 3.1.8-80_EL4 Aug 31 11:29:09 Updated: samba-client.i386 3.0.10-1.4E.9 Aug 31 11:29:21 Updated: anaconda.i386
Following up to my own message, upgrades to 4.4 have been much smoother with:
yum update yum sqlite python-sqlite ; yum update
I've yet to experience a hang using this. Many thanks to Karanbir Singh for the suggestion.
Cheers, Zube