On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 9:15 PM, Michael A. Peters <mpeters@mac.com> wrote:
What was really bad - I worked at a company that had the bright idea of automagically copying the marketing director with all tech support mail so that he could see the kinds of issues customers were having. I have no idea what they were thinking, it seems to me those kind of e-mails would be useless.

Anyway - he went on vacation, and every customer mailing us with a tech support issue got an auto-responder from him stating that he would get back to them in 7 to 10 days ...

Michael: I thought the job of Marketing people (or so they would like to think) is to give the Engineering staff a set of specs, a budget and a time frame, that probably cannot be met; while promising everything to the customer, to get the sale. Lanny