On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 09:43:03AM -0500, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Scott Robbins wrote:
give good explanations. Trimming is important. Putting a two line answer at the end of 400 line message isn't very helpful either.
Oh, like Certain Parties who may or may not work for RedHat, esp. over on the selinux list?, he asks, innocently....
Honestly, I had no one in mind. I remember in an effort to get a life outside tech, I joined a mailing list for something else. I hadn't realized how most people top post, don't trim, and still use aol.
I was actually thinking of something off that list, where someone wrote a longgggggggggg post and someone else responded at the very end, saying nice post.
I guess the reason it jars us here is because most people post properly.