On Wed, 2006-08-23 at 04:33, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Jaymz Ringler wrote:
A simple solution if you have an extra machine.. install qmail on a new box... put it into your DMZ to collect mail. You then set a simple smtproute to forward all mail to your inner mail server's ip.
qmail is outdated. qmail doesn't check for available users before accepting a mail and thus always sends bounces. qmail isn't available for centos. qmail hasn't seen any updates since way back when. qmail can only be made into a more modern MTA with tons of patches.
On the other hand a very nice approach to an outside DMZ relay is to use sendmail with MimeDefang (http://www.mimedefang.org) to coordinate scanning with clamav, spamassassin, etc. It has an option to check for valid users via smtp to the delivery server so you don't have to set up anything extra for this other than the snippet of perl that controls it all. There is a moderately active mail list with helpful advice.