Hi All - I am using getssl on CentOS 7. It have been working fine since Feb 17th and just stopped.
My script: getssl -u -a -q getssl: for some reason could not reach http://MY_NAME/.well-known/acme-challenge/lL_ublhWh3fnmbXhhh3BR3bdnjHoMFAgTi... - please check it manually
So I did check it manually from another machine - it works fine: curl http://MY_NAME/.well-known/acme-challenge/lL_ublhWh3fnmbXhhh3BR3bdnjHoMFAgTi...
So it works fine.
I then thought perhaps a firewall issue. So I "systemctl stop firewalld", redid the getssl -u -a -q command above - and I get the same error.
How do I see/tell what its not liking ?