Well, the router I've had for some years now, that I had DD-WRT on, borked itself. Went out and bought a new one, an Asus RT-AC66U. Now, I've got this 11 yr old cute HP Laserjet... and it's a winprinter. With the version of the DD-WRT I had, all I had to do was send the magic M$ data to it, it would wake up, the lights on the printer telling me that it was installing that.
New printer magically actually recognizes the printer... but when I try to send the data, nothing happens.
If anyone can give me some ideas, feel free to do it offlist, as this is very OT.
PS: I will NEVER touch DD-WRT again. It's an amateur project, in the worst sense of the word. When I was first putting it on, people on its general support mailing list talked about their "favorite builder" (there were several), and their "favorite builds". There were no formal releases, etc, etc. I went that way, because the OEM firmware "supported USB printers"... except, according to their tech support, "oh, not that printer".
Thanks in advance.