Michel Daggelinckx wrote:
/ Jerry Geis wrote:
/>/ />>/ I have a desktop unit with a sempron 2500+ to play with. />>/ doing "more /proc/cpuinfo" indicates cpu Mhz as1044 not the 2500 />>/ />>/ I am familiar with cpuspeed. doing ps ax | grep cpuspeed resulting in />>/ nothing. />>/ I did service cpuspeed start. No errors reported. />>/ ps ax | grep cpuspeed resulted in nothing. /
Sounds like cpuspeed could be crashing. Make sure there is no cpuspeed running as daemon then try running it as root with no args. Check /var/log/messages if it blows chunks.
Cpuspeed is crashing. when I run it from the command line it says:
could not open file for writing "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor"
the cpufreq directorty is not present....
I tried to use mkdir and create it as root but it says "operation not permitted".