On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Phil Schaffner Philip.R.Schaffner@nasa.gov wrote:
Robert Nichols wrote:
Any hope of getting my laptop's Broadcom BCM94311 wireless running on CentOS 5?
I was hoping that CentOS 5.3 might include a backported b43 driver, but I grabbed a preliminary version of the new kernel (2.6.18-132), and it still has the old bcm43xx.ko driver.
Not looking good. On the Linville test kernels page the b43 patch is listed as "discarded".
Might try a request at ATrpms or RPMforge for a kernel module.
... Or ask Alan Bartlett in the CentOS forums. He has built quite a few drivers (kernel-independent kmod packages) for CentOS users. You can see the list here:
Akemi / toracat