On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:24 AM, "Helmut Drodofsky" <drodofsky@internet-xs.de
the date jumps within 30 seconds to a wrong value. ntp service is stopped at the beginning.
Whereas hwclock seems more precise.
[root@kerio ~]# service ntpd stop
Shutting down ntpd: [ OK ]
[root@kerio ~]# ntpdate 0.centos.pool.ntp.org
13 Mar 07:04:48 ntpdate[23003]: step time server offset -3450.678273 sec
[root@kerio ~]# hwclock
Fri 13 Mar 2009 07:04:59 AM GMT -0.014767 seconds
[root@kerio ~]# date
Fri Mar 13 07:05:02 GMT 2009
[root@kerio ~]# date
Fri Mar 13 07:05:14 GMT 2009
[root@kerio ~]# date
Fri Mar 13 08:03:01 GMT 2009
[root@kerio ~]# hwclock
Fri 13 Mar 2009 07:05:37 AM GMT -0.083628 seconds
[root@kerio ~]#
/etc/ntp.conf is in original configuration.
- most of our servers run without X-Windows, this uses X-Windows and
- the server runs kerio mail services. Even the original from kerio
configured VMWare server has had this behavior.
- stopping of keriomailserver does not help
If your hwclock stores local time and your BIOS adjusts it for DST that would cause a 3600 second time difference or if your hwclock stores UTC and the BIOS adds an hour to that...
Turn off any BIOS DST adjust feature if it's enabled.