On Tue, 2011-08-30 at 14:56 +0200, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
Hi everyone! :-)
I just installed CentOS 6 on one of my desktop machines, and yum now tells me that some of my favorite apps are not present in any of the repositories I configured. To name a few: ktorrent, kile, krusader, pavucontrol, mplayerplug-in (or is it now gecko-mediaplayer), xine, xmms, and so on... All these apps were readily available for C5, and I used them happily.
I am mostly surprised with the absence of *any* torrent client, bar the rtorrent (which doesn't have a man page and I have no idea how to use it). Also kile, krusader and pavucontrol are quite basic and common apps...
The configured repositories are: base, updates, extras, rpmforge, elrepo, as reported by yum.
What am I missing?
I would also be grateful if anyone has a suggestion for a reasonable (and available) substitute for any of these apps. I usually prefer KDE4 apps, but will use anything that works. I found some (rtorrent, mozilla-vlc, gnome-volume-control), but I am not exactly thrilled with their quality, so I'm hoping someone has a better suggestion. Google didn't want to be my friend this time, all hits were related to C5... ;-)
TIA, :-) Marko
I use Vuze for bittorrent. Used to be called Azureus. Download here: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/download.php HTH.
CentOS Linux release 6.0 (Final)