On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 07:20 -0400, andy.allen@virgin.net wrote:
Thanks Fabian, There seem to be a number of different ways of installing the ipw2200 firmware and as I've said already I've tried puttting the .fw files into the firmware directory - why doesn't this work? What is actually the best/recommended way of installing the firmware in CentOS 5 please? - not too complicated please as I'm a linux enthusiast but not a great expert!
I have successfully used both the RPMforge and ATrpms packages for IPW2200 on my laptop. If you are using packages from either repo already, sticking with that one is probably the best bet. If using both or neither, depends on whether you want to go with Axel's (ATrpms) kmdl approach (may have to wait for him to build new packages after a new kernel arrives) or with Dag's (RPMforge) dkms approach (rebuilds kernel modules on-the-fly - requires development environment to be present).
Either is likely to be less complicated than trying to use the tarball, and both have the advantage of having the package manager handle updates to new firmware or drivers.