On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 06:15:01PM +0200, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
On 06/22/2013 04:41 PM, Scott Robbins wrote:
On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 10:36:32AM -0400, Scott Robbins wrote:
If I use BTRFS on the Fedora system, the CentOS system won't install. If Fedora is using ext4, it installs as expected. Interesting that this is a regression on RH's part (I say RH because I had the same results with Scientific Linux, and regression because the issue doesn't occur in CentOS 6.3) The failure comes early, at examining basic storage.
So maybe it started with 6.4 kernels, or maybe there was just a bug in initial kernel.
Also, there could be two causes:
You tried to use btrfs partitions with only formatting them.
You used GPT partition table that 6.4 can not see properly?
It's an MSDOS partition table. Just to be sure I was clear--I did NOT try to install CentOS to BTRFS. If there is a Fedora partition, whether it be /dev/sda1 or a2 (the only ones I tried) and it is formatted in BTRFS, with Fedora installed and working, I cannot install CentOS using the 6.4 disk. Note that i only tried this with 64 bit, and I'm not overly concerned about it now that I know I can workaround it. Generally, I only install CentOS by itself, these two laptops were sort of a special case.