Daniel de Kok spake the following on 8/4/2006 6:38 AM:
On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 06:12 -0700, Frank Tanner III wrote:
It's a well known "fact" amongst the general public that the Linux "evangelists" are a rude flaming bunch. There are hundreds of news articles stating such. An THIS is what the public in general bases their attitudes with regards to the community as a whole on.
You have to keep in mind that support from lists like this one are voluntary in nature. So, it only seems decent to try to get the etiquette of the list, and (although it does not apply here) research a problem before posting questions to the list.
IMHO calling Linux community members a "rude flaming bunch" is highly inappropriate. The community built a free operating system, and provides free support. If people need hand holding or extensive support they can get a support contract from a prominent North-American Linux vendor, or one of the other venues that provides Linux support.
-- Daniel
I have seen some fair amount of handholding on this list and also the CentOS list. Can we just say that since it is Friday, and everybody has had a tough week, that maybe we could just go on and let it die quietly!